
Castilleja School 健康

健身 & 健康

All students at Castilleja are guided to achieve health and physical literacy and become self-directed critical thinkers who make decisions to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

A developmentally appropriate curriculum allows different learners to safely challenge themselves to find balance, 承担风险, and explore roles, 的想法, 和活动. We model and instill a compassion for self and others and a commitment to mindfulness and life-long learning.

作为主管, 自信, and responsible leaders, students are empowered to effectively collaborate, 解决问题, and communicate when making choices and taking action for both personal and community health and fitness.

Girls laugh while playing with a parachute on the Circle

castilleja school middle school wellness

Meet the Faculty

Jennifer O'Sullivan

标题: 教员, 健身 and 健康


标题: 教员, 健身 and 健康


标题: 教员, 健身 and 健康, MS Athletic Director


标题: 健身 Teacher, Interdisciplinary Content Area (ICA) Lead, Social Justice

Joke van der Hulst

标题: 教员, 健身 and 健康, 主教练, Varsity and VA Gold Softball, 纪律铅, 健身

咨询 & 学生健康

When wellness topics are seamlessly integrated into the entire curriculum, students become more self-reflective and empathetic and develop the skills to effectively relate with others.

The 咨询 and 学生健康 department supports girls as they learn to identify, 来的声音, and to be proud of who they are.  除了, our full-time professional counseling staff offers counseling services for students and supports faculty and staff in reinforcing positive social and emotional development.

咨询 Services
Our doors are open in the 咨询 Department and we want to make connecting with us as easy as possible.

咨询 is available to all students throughout the school day, including some after school hours. These services include individual counseling, 团体咨询, crisis intervention, parent consultation, and parent education.

"The immediate outcome of social and emotional learning may be academic success or improved psychological well-being for the individual student. But, in the end, we all benefit through the creation of a kinder and more compassionate society" Vicki Zakrzewski, Education Director of Greater Good Science Center

Meet the 辅导员


标题: Director of 咨询, Counselor and 健康 Faculty


标题: Counselor and 健康 Faculty

The Castilleja SEL Model

Social and Emotional 学习 at Castilleja is comprehensive and multi-faceted. Our aim is to provide students with tremendous support as they develop life-long skills, 弹性, and self-reliance.